Prof. Dr.
Nikolaus Schareika
Nikolaus Schareika has extensively worked in pastoral societies, particularly in groups of Wodaabe and Fulani people in West Africa’s Sahel. The particular social and cultural configuration of mobile pastoralists have become a point of entry – theoretically, methodologically and thematically – to his engagement with anthropology in general. From the ethnographic perspective of Fulani pastoralists, he explored local (environmental) knowledge, the sociology of knowledge, human-environmental and -animal relations, biodiversity and the politics of conservation, negotiation, disputing and processes of dispute management, local political institutions and dynamics, and the use of talk in social practice. Further research projects covered societal transformations caused by oil production and urban agriculture in rural Africa. While this work is grounded in detailed, long-term ethnographic study and a strong focus on language use in social practice, many research activities have been set up in the framework of collaborative and interdisciplinary (particularly ecological and agricultural sciences) research projects with partners from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, France, Germany, Niger, and Ohio.
- Changing Rural Livelihoods
- Clan- and Lineage-based Society
- Conflict, Negotiation and Disputing
- Economic Anthropology
- Fulani, Woodabe
- Human-Environment-Relations
- Local Environmental Knowledge
- Natural Resource Management and Conservation
- Naturally Occurring Discourse and Verbal Interaction
- Pastoral Society (particularly in Africa)
- Political Anthropology
Academic Education
Habilitation at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Social and Cultural Anthropology)
PhD (Dr. phil.) in Social and Cultural Anthropology at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Magister Artium (M.A.) in Social Anthropology and History at Universität Hamburg
Academic Affiliation
Since 2010
Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Visiting professor at the Department of Anthropology of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Visiting professor at the Department of Anthropology and African Studies of Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Visiting professor at the Department of Anthropology of the Universität zu Köln
Lecturer (wissenschaftlicher Assistant) at the Department of Anthropology and African Studies of Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Doctoral researcher (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Department of Anthropology and African Studies of Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Doctoral researcher (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Institute for Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences in the Tropics and Subtropics of Universität Hohenheim
Schareika, Nikolaus, Christopher Brown, and Mark Moritz. 2021. “Critical Transitions from Pastoralism to Ranching in Central Africa.” Current Anthropology 62 (1): 53–76.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2018. “Nomads/Pastoralists and Development. “In The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Vol. 9, edited by Hilary Callan, 1–11. Oxford, UK: John Wiley.
Schritt, Jannik, and Nikolaus Schareika. 2018. “Crude Moves: Oil, Power and Politics in Niger.” Africa Spectrum 53 (2): 65–89.
Nchanji, Eileen B., Lesley Hope, Yvonne K. Nchanji, Wilfred A. Abia, Samuel A. Donkoh, and Nikolaus Schareika. 2018. “Pest Management among Smallholder Cabbage Growers.” International Journal of Vegetable Science, 1–16.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2017. “Creative Encounters: African Trade and Chinese Oil Production in Western Chad.” Social Analysis 61 (3): 41–55.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2017. “Mensch und Umwelt.” In Ethnologie: Einführung in die Erforschung kultureller Vielfalt, edited by Bettina Beer, Hans Fischer, and Julia Pauli. Neunte Auflage, erweiterte und aktualisierte Neufassung, 299–316. Ethnologische Paperbacks. Berlin: Reimer.
Djohy, Georges, Honorat Edja, and Nikolaus Schareika. 2017. “Mobile Phones and Socio-economic Transformation among Fulani Pastoralists in Northern Benin.” Nomadic Peoples 21: 111–35.
Nchanji, Eileen B., Imogen Bellwood-Howard, Nikolaus Schareika, Takemore Chagomoka, Johannes Schlesinger, Drescher Axel, and Glaser Rüdiger. 2017. “Assessing the Sustainability of Vegetable Production Practices in Northern Ghana.” International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 11 (2): 1–17.
Adolwa, Ivan S., Stefan Schwarze, Bellwood-Howard, Imogen Ruby Vanessa, Nikolaus Schareika, and Andreas Bürkert. 2017. “A Comparative Analysis of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems in Kenya and Ghana: Sustainable Agricultural Intensification in the Rural-urban Interface.” Agriculture and Human Values 2 (34): 453–72.
Bukari, Kaderi N., and Nikolaus Schareika. 2015. “Stereotypes, Prejudices and Exclusion of Fulani Pastoralists in Ghana.” Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 5 (1): 18.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2014. “The Social Nature of Environmental Knowledge among the Nomadic Woɗaaɓe of Niger.” Ecology and Society 19 (4).
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2013. “To Move with Nomads.” In Writing in the Field: Festschrift for Stephen Tyler, edited by Ivo A. Strecker and Shauna LaTosky, 33–38. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2011. “Subject, Leader, Chief, Commander: Woɗaaɓe Politics between Clan and Communal Structure.” In Une anthropologie entre pouvoirs et histoire: Conversations autour de Jean-Pierre Chauveau, edited by Eyol Jul-Larson, Pierre-Joseph Laurent, Pierre-Yves Le Meur, and Eric Léonard, 477–508. Paris: Karthala.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2011. “Die Mühlen der Lineage: Friktionen und Fraktionen um das Projekt Getreidebank bei den Woɗaaɓe Südostnigers.” In Auf dem Boden der Tatsachen: Festschrift für Thomas Bierschenk, edited by Nikolaus Schareika, Eva Spies, and Pierre-Yves Le Meur, 185–95. Köln: Köppe.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2011. “Mensch und Umwelt.” In Ethnologie: Einführung und Überblick, edited by Hans Fischer and Bettina Beer. 7th ed., 333–56. Berlin: Reimer.
Behrends, Andrea, and Nikolaus Schareika. 2011. “Öl, Staat, Ressourcenfluch.” In Auf dem Boden der Tatsachen: Festschrift für Thomas Bierschenk, edited by Nikolaus Schareika, Eva Spies, and Pierre-Yves Le Meur, 465–75. Köln: Köppe.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2010. “Pulaaku in Action: Words at Work in Woɗaaɓe Clan Politics.” Ethnology 49: 207–27.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2010. “Rituell gezeugt: Verwandtschaft als symbolische Interaktion bei den Woɗaaɓe Südostnigers.” In Verwandtschaft heute, edited by Erdmute Alber, Bettina Beer, Julia Pauli, and Michael Schnegg, 93–117. Berlin: Reimer.
Spies, Eva, Nikolaus Schareika, and Pierre-Yves Le Meur. 2011. “Einleitung: Ethnologie auf dem Boden der Tatsachen.” In Auf dem Boden der Tatsachen: Festschrift für Thomas Bierschenk, edited by Nikolaus Schareika, Eva Spies, and Pierre-Yves Le Meur, 9–26. Köln: Köppe.
Behrends, Andrea, and Nikolaus Schareika. 2010. “Significations of Oil in Africa Or: What (More) Can Anthropologists Contribute to the Study of Oil?” Suomen Antropologinen Seura 35: 83–86.
Krätli, Saverio, and Nikolaus Schareika. 2010. “Living off Uncertainty: The Intelligent Animal Production of Dryland Pastoralists.” European Journal of Development Research 22: 605–22.
Meyer, Christian, and Nikolaus Schareika. 2009. “Neoklassische Feldforschung: Die mikroskopische Untersuchung sozialer Ereignisse als ethnographische Methode.” Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 79–129.
Meyer, Christian, and Nikolaus Schareika. 2009. “Participant Audition: Audio-recording as Ethnographic Method.” Working Papers of the Department of Anthropology and African Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz 101.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2006. “Modelle der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ethnologie und Naturwissenschaften.” Sociologus 56: 15–36.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2004. “Bush for Beasts: Lake Chad from the Nomadic Woɗaaɓe Point of View.” In Living with the Lake. Perspectives on History, Culture and Economy of Lake Chad, edited by Matthias Krings and Editha Platte, 171–90. Köln: Rüdiger Koppe.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2004. “Nomadic Cattle Husbandry among the Woɗaaɓe in the Lake Chad Basin.” In The Future is an Ancient Lake. Traditional Knowledge, Biodiversity and Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in Lake Chad Basin Ecosystems, edited by Caterina Batello, 58–60. Rom: FAO.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2004. “Lokales Wissen: ethnologische Perspektiven.” In Lokales Wissen – sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, edited by Nikolaus Schareika and Thomas Bierschenk, 9–39. Münster: Lit Verlag.
Schareika, Nikolaus, and Thomas Bierschenk. 2004. “Einführung.” In Lokales Wissen – sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, edited by Nikolaus Schareika and Thomas Bierschenk, 1–7. Münster: Lit Verlag.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2001. “Environmental Knowledge and Pastoral Migration among the Woɗaaɓe of South-eastern Niger.” Nomadic Peoples 5: 65–88.
Schareika, Nikolaus, Frieder Graef, Marion Moser, and Klaus Becker. 2000. “Pastoral Migration as a Method of Goal-oriented and Site-specific Animal Nutrition among the Woɗaaɓe of South-eastern Niger.” Die Erde 131: 125–41.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 1998. “Élevage bovin et économie familiale chez les Fulɓe au Nord-Bénin.” In Regards sur le Borgou: Pouvoir et altérité dans une région ouest-africaine, edited by Elisabeth Boesen, Christine Hardung, and Richard Kuba, 311–28. Paris: L’Harmattan.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 1997. Lokales Umweltwissen und Formen der Weidewanderung bei den Woɗaaɓe Ostnigers: Arbeitspapiere zu afrikanischen Gesellschaften 14. Berlin: Das Arabische Buch.
Schareika, Nikolaus, Eva Spies, and Pierre-Yves Le Meur, eds. 2011. Auf dem Boden der Tatsachen: Festschrift für Thomas Bierschenk. Köln: Köppe.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2007. “Söhne des Feuers, Brüder der Milch: Politische Prozesse bei westafrikanischen Nomaden am Beispiel der Woɗaaɓe in Südostniger.” Habilitationsschrift, Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.
Schareika, Nikolaus, and Thomas Bierschenk, eds. 2004. Lokales Wissen – sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Münster: Lit Verlag.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2003. Know to Move, Move to Know. Ecological Knowledge and Herd Movement Strategies among the Woɗaaɓe of Southeastern Niger. Rom: FAO.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 2003. Westlich der Kälberleine. Nomadische Tierhaltung und naturkundliches Wissen bei den Woɗaaɓe Südostnigers. Berlin, Münster: Lit Verlag.
Schareika, Nikolaus. 1994. Die soziale Bedeutung der Rinder bei den Fulɓe (Benin). Münster und Hamburg: Lit Verlag.
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