Dr. Jeannett Martin
Jeannett Martin has worked extensively on mobility, kinship, childhood, child politics and belonging. Her work is grounded in long-standing ethnographic studies, mainly in rural and urban West Africa and in Germany.
She started her career as an anthropologist with a study on educational mobility between Ghana and Germany with a focus on the process of return migration and research partners mainly from the middle and upper middle classes of urbanized Southern Ghana.
Later she worked on changing norms and practices of child fostering among Fée (Mokolle) peasants in rural Northern Benin. Her particular interest in this project was on foster children’s perspectives, decision making and ways to act in foster arrangements.
With time she came to reflect on and use the concept of “belonging” as a theoretical lens through which she analyzed kinship, ethnic and interethnic relations, practices and politics in Northern Benin – again with a focus on childhood and child politics in the wider context of social, economic and political transformations.
In a collaborative research with anthropologists from Benin she currently works in the project “COVID-19 and Pastoralism in Benin”. Here the team seeks to understand how mobile (agro-)pastoralist households experience, interpret and respond to the current pandemic and related measures adopted by the government.
- Mobilities
- Anthropology of kinship and family
- Childhood, child politics
- Belonging
- Interethnic relations
- (Agro-)Pastoralism and changing rural livelihoods
- Fulbe, Gando, Mokolle
- Benin (Borgu)
- Ghana
Academic Degrees
2018 | Habilitation, Social and Cultural Anthropologie, University of Bayreuth |
2004 | PhD, Ethnologie, University of Bayreuth (Magna cum laude) |
1994 | 2nd Teachers Training Certificate for Secondary Schools, Staatliches Seminar für Lehramtsanwärter Dresden |
1992 | 1st Teachers Training Certificate for Secondary Schools, “Staatliches Seminar für Lehramtsanwärter”, Dresden |
Academic Career and Positions
since 2021 | Principal Investigator, DFG funded project “Covid-19 and Pastoralism in Northern Benin”, Institut of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen |
2019-2020 | Substitute Professorship (Society, Politics and Economy in Africa, Prof. Dr. Katja Werthmann), Institut for African Studies, University of Leipzig |
2018-19 | Substitute Professorship (“Ethnologie Afrikas”, Prof. Dr. Georg Klute), University of Bayreuth |
2016-17 | Fellow of Research Group „Kinship and Politics. Rethinking a Conceptual Split and its Epistemic Implications in the Social Sciences“, “Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung” (ZIF), University of Bielefeld |
2015-16 | Substitute Professorship (Social Anthropology, Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber), University of Bayreuth |
2014-15 | Substitute Assistant Professorship, “Lehrstuhl Sozialanthropologie”, University of Bayreuth |
2013 | Principal Investigator, DFG funded project „Child fostering in the context of ethnic heterogeneity (Borgu/Republic of Benin)“ (funding period 3) |
2012 | Research Associate, “Lehrstuhl Sozialanthropologie”, University of Bayreuth |
2011-12 | Principal Investigator, DFG funded project „Child fostering in the context of ethnic heterogeneity (Borgu/Republic of Benin)“ (funding period 2) |
2010-11 | Coordination Assistant at Bayreuth Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS), University of Bayreuth |
2009-10 | Principal Investigator, DFG funded project „Child fostering in the context of ethnic heterogeneity (Borgu/Republic of Benin)“ (funding period 1) |
2007-09 | Postdoc, Bayreuth Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS), University of Bayreuth |
2005-06 | Research Associate DFG funded project „Transformations of social parenthood in Northern Benin“ (Project director: Prof. Dr. E. Alber, Junior Professorship Ethnosoziologie), University of Bayreuth |
2002-05 | Research Associate, Project “Ritual, Alltagsgestaltung und Sinngebung in der modernen Welt” (Project Director: Prof. Dr. Ch. Bochinger, „Institut zur Erforschung der religiösen Gegenwartskultur“), University of Bayreuth |
2001-02 | Research Associate, DFG funded project “Die unsichtbare Religion in der sichtbaren Religion” (Project Director: Prof. Dr. Ch. Bochinger, „Institut zur Erforschung der religiösen Gegenwartskultur“), University of Bayreuth |
Selected Articles | |
2019 | Multiplicities of Kinship and Family in Africa. In: Ross, Frisco, Treichel Stephanie und Lutz, Ronald (Eds.): Sozialarbeit des Südens, Bd. 7: Family Structures in Change – Challenges of Transitional Phenomena. Paulo Freire Verlag: Oldenburg, pp. 17-35 (with E. Alber). |
2016 | Young Future Africa – Images, Imagination and its Making: An Introduction. In: Martin, J., Ungruhe, C. und Häberlein, T.: Images, Imagination and the Making of Future among Children and Youth in Africa, AnthropoChildren, Nr. 6 (with Ch. Ungruhe und T. Häberlein). URL: https://popups.uliege.be/2034-8517/index.php?id=2508 |
2015 | “Ein Kind gehört dir nicht allein” Soziale Elternschaft in Nordbenin. In: Michaela Fink, Reimer Gronemeyer (Eds.): Afrikanische Kindheiten: Soziale Elternschaft und Waisenhilfe in der Subsahara. Transcript: Bielefeld, pp. 43-57. |
2014 | Familie in Afrika. Kapitel 6 in: Paul B. Hill, Johannes Kopp (Eds.): Handbuch Familiensoziologie. Springer Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 147-178 (with E. Alber). |
2013a | Experiencing father’s kin and mother’s kin: kinship norms and practices from the perspective of foster children in Northern Benin. In: Erdmute Alber, Jeannett Martin und Catrien Notermans (Eds.): Child fostering in West Africa. New Perspectives on Theories and Practices. Brill: Leiden, Boston, Tokyo, pp. 111-134. |
2013b | Introduction. In: Erdmute Alber, Jeannett Martin und Catrien Notermans (Eds.): Child fostering in West Africa. New perspectives on theories and practices. Brill: Leiden, Boston, Tokyo, pp. 1-19 (with E. Alber und C. Notermans). |
2012a | Ziele, Handeln und Agency von Kindern im Kontext der Pflegschaftspraxis in Nordbenin. In: Sociologus – Zeitschrift für empirische Ethnosoziologie, 62 (2), pp. 171-197. |
2012b | Verwandtschaft in Afrika: Transformationsprozesse im 20. Jahrhundert. In: Thomas Bierschenk und Eva Spies (Eds.): 50 Jahre Unabhängigkeit in Afrika. Kontinuitäten, Brüche, Perspektiven. Rüdiger Köppe Verlag: Köln, pp. 141-170 (with Alber und T. Häberlein). |
2012c | Children’s work, child fostering and the spread of formal schooling in Northern Benin. In: Gerd Spittler und Michael Bourdillon (Eds.): Working and Learning among Africa’s Children. Lit Verlag: Hamburg, Münster, Berlin, pp. 195-226. |
2012d | Anthropological research on childhood and adolescence in German-speaking Europe. In: AnthropoChildren 1.
URL: http://popups.ulg.ac.be/AnthropoChildren/docannexe.php?id=933 |
2010 | Changing Webs of Kinship: Spotlights on West Africa. In: Africa Spektrum 45 (2010) 3, pp. 43-67 (with E. Alber und T. Häberlein) |
2007a | Einleitung zum Themenschwerpunkt „Familienwandel in Afrika“. In: Afrika Spectrum, 42 (2), pp. 151-166 (with E. Alber). |
2007b | Yakubas neues Leben – Zum Wandel der Kindspflegschaftspraxis bei den ländlichen Fée (Mokollé) in Nordbenin. In: Afrika Spectrum, 42 (2), pp. 219-249. |
2007c | Childhood in Benin. In: Epstein, E. (Gen. Ed.): The Greenwood Encyclopaedia of Children’s Issues Worldwide, Volume Sub-Saharan Africa, Greenwood Press, pp. 15-32. |
2007d | What’s New With the ‘Been-To’? Educational Migrants, Return from Europe and Migrant’s Culture in Urban Southern Ghana. In: Hans Peter Hahn, Georg Klute (Eds.): Cultures of Migration. Lit Verlag: Berlin, Hamburg, Münster, pp. 203-238. |
2000 | Zwischen ‘Entwurzelung’ und ‘transnationaler Identität’ – Perspektiven ghanaischer Akademiker, In: Ulrich Bauer, Henrik Egbert und Frauke Jäger (Eds.): Interkulturelle Beziehungen und Kulturwandel in Afrika. Verlag Peter Lang: Frankfurt/M. u.a., pp. 133-151. |
Books | |
2018 | Zugehörigkeit: Vorschlag zu einer theoretischen Konzeption und empirische Fallstudien zu Kindheit in Nordbenin. Unpublished Habilitation Thesis; Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Facheinheit Ethnologie, Universität Bayreuth. |
2007 | Mensch – Alltag – Gottesdienst. Bedürfnisse und Bedeutungszuschreibungen evangelisch Getaufter in Bayern. LIT Verlag: Berlin, Hamburg, Münster. |
2005 | ‚Been-To’, ‚Burger’, ‚Transmigranten?‘ Zur Bildungsmigration von Ghanaern und ihrer Rückkehr aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. LIT Verlag: Berlin, Hamburg, Münster. |
Edited books | |
2016 | Images, Imagination and the Making of Future among Children and Youth in Africa, Themenheft AnthropoChildren, Nr. 6 (with Ch. Ungruhe and T. Häberlein). URL: https://popups.uliege.be/2034-8517/index.php?id=2508 |
2013 | Child Fostering in West Africa. New Perspectives on Theories and Practices. Brill: Leiden, Boston, Tokyo (with E. Alber and C. Notermans) |
2007 | Familienwandel in Afrika. Afrika Spectrum 42 (2) (with E. Alber) |
Further publications
2020 | Book Review: Schlee, Günther; Horstmann, Alexander (Eds.) (2018): Difference and sameness as modes of integration. Anthropological perspectives on ethnicity and religion. New York: Routledge (Integration and Conflict Studies, Volume 16), 262 Seiten, in: Sociologus, 70, 1, pp. 92-95 |
2019a | „Vielfalt und Wandel familiärer Normen und Praktiken“. Dossier zum „Projekt Lern- und Ressourcenplattform Afrika“ (PLURA), Bayreuth Academy of Advanced Studies, Universität Bayreuth. URL: https://www.plura.uni-bayreuth.de/pool/dossiers//DossierFamiliePraktiken.pdf |
2019b | „Begriffe: Verwandtschaft, Familie, Haushalt in Afrika“. Dossier zum „Projekt Lern- und Ressourcenplattform Afrika“ (PLURA), Bayreuth Academy of Advanced Studies, Universität Bayreuth. URL: https://www.plura.uni-bayreuth.de/pool/dossiers/DossierFamilieBegriffe.pdf |
2019c | „Familie in Afrika: Einführung“. Dossier zum „Projekt Lern- und Ressourcenplattform Afrika“ (PLURA), Bayreuth Academy of Advanced Studies, Universität Bayreuth. URL: https://www.plura.uni-bayreuth.de/pool/dossiers/DossierFamilieEinfuehrung.pdf |
2019d | Kindheit und Zugehörigkeit: Neue Perspektiven für die sozialwissenschaftliche Afrikaforschung. In: Spektrum, Universität Bayreuth, 15 (2), pp. 58-61. |
2019e | Childhood and belonging: New Perspectives for African Studies. In: Spektrum, Universität Bayreuth, 15 (2), pp. 58-61. |
2018 | „Adoption and fosterage“, International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Wiley, (with E. Alber). |
2017 | Auf der Suche nach dem ‘richtigen’ Vater: Aktuelle Debatten um ‚Kuckuckskinder‘ in Deutschland. In: ZIF-Mitteilungen, 2, 2017, pp. 11-20 |
2014 | Von “Rabenmüttern” und Pflegekindern. Familie, Recht und Moral in Westafrika. In: Spektrum, Universität Bayreuth, 10 (1), pp. 76-78 (with E. Alber). |
2013 | Conference Report: Rethinking Care: Anthropological Perspectives on Life Courses, Kin-Work and their Trans-Local Entanglements. 06.12.2012- 08.12.2012, in: H-Soz-u-Kult 16.04. 2013. |
2012 | Conference Report: “Thirty Years of German–Beninese Cooperation in Social Science Research on Benin: Topics, Conclusions, Future Prospects” – Thurnau/Bayreuth, 8–10 March 2012. In: Africa Spectrum, 47 (2-3), pp. 187-193 (with L. Wayaffe). |
2011 | Die ‚Perlen‘ Westafrikas. In: Albert, Elfie et al.: La Bonne – Vom Dienstmädchen zur globalen Dienstleisterin. Ausstellungskatalog „Frauen in der Einen Welt“, Museum Frauenkultur Regional – International, Burgfarrnbach/Fürth, pp. 124-140. |
2007 | Sozialer Wandel in Afrika. Zur Situation von Frauen, Kindern und Jugendlichen. In: Forum 1-2 (2007), pp. 42-48 (with A. Bochow). |
2006 | Aspekte der Rückkehr ghanaischer Bildungsmigranten. In: Mission Possible. Informationen und Berichte zur Rückkehrvorbereitung nach Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika. Auszeit 46, Nr. 1/2, Jg. 41, pp. 116-132. |
2005 | “Familie und Verwandtschaft”. Bericht über die Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Entwicklungssoziologie und Sozialanthropologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Thurnau bei Bayreuth, 07.-09. Juli 2005.” Sociologus – Zeitschrift für empirische Ethnosoziologie, 55 (1): pp. 134-142 (with T. Häberlein). |
Address and Contact
Universität Bayreuth
Universitätsstraße 30
D-95447 Bayreuth
E-Mail: jeannett.martin@uni-bayreuth.de
Homepage: Ethnologie | Universität Bayreuth